Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good sadie hawkins group themes?

me and my group are trying to figure out some cute, original themes for our first sadie hawkins dance. (: thank you!

What similarities can be drawn between Catholicism and Islam?

having read of the differences that divide the two big religions, i'm interested to know if there is any strong common elements the two faiths share

Does anyone else hate those people who rub their engagement in everybody's faces?

Seriously, please, get a job or a hobby or an attractive gardener. Getting engaged isn't an achievement, it's a road that leads to a dead end. Getting your band a gig or a musical contract, after you've worked so hard, that is an achievement. Discovering a new cure for cancer is an achievement. Getting high distinctions in university is an achievement. PLEASE PEOPLE! Can I get an AMEN?

I want to go but my mum won't let me!!?

I want to go to university soon but my mum said im not going! I really want to go and study hairdressing but she keeps saying that im not going but i think the only one near me that does hairdressing is in Derby! but that is sooooooooooo far away and i probably would have to live there :( Its really annoying my because i want to be a good hairdresser and i want to be very experienced so going to university will give me another qualification hopefully. Why does she keep saying that im not going when its me that its for not her?! Thanks xxx

Jewlery to match this dress and shoes?

i cant see the dress but girl! the shoes are gorgeous! if the neckline of dress is high, wear longer necklace that matches shoes. if neckline is low u can still wear longer jewelry. lol. but like its got to be gold colored cuz silver jewelry and those shoes. no. good luck!

Which brand of roller blades should I buy?

I am a beginner planning to buy roller blades. I have seen some brands like RollerBlades, BladeRunner, Roller Derby. My budget is $50 to $80. Which brand would you suggest I buy? I need them for recreational purposes.

Anyone here good at advice? Need a female perspective on something embaring?

either send me an email or message me at j1mm25 (same sn on aim and yahoo, its a number one, not the letter i).