Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Good sadie hawkins group themes?

me and my group are trying to figure out some cute, original themes for our first sadie hawkins dance. (: thank you!

What similarities can be drawn between Catholicism and Islam?

having read of the differences that divide the two big religions, i'm interested to know if there is any strong common elements the two faiths share

Does anyone else hate those people who rub their engagement in everybody's faces?

Seriously, please, get a job or a hobby or an attractive gardener. Getting engaged isn't an achievement, it's a road that leads to a dead end. Getting your band a gig or a musical contract, after you've worked so hard, that is an achievement. Discovering a new cure for cancer is an achievement. Getting high distinctions in university is an achievement. PLEASE PEOPLE! Can I get an AMEN?

I want to go but my mum won't let me!!?

I want to go to university soon but my mum said im not going! I really want to go and study hairdressing but she keeps saying that im not going but i think the only one near me that does hairdressing is in Derby! but that is sooooooooooo far away and i probably would have to live there :( Its really annoying my because i want to be a good hairdresser and i want to be very experienced so going to university will give me another qualification hopefully. Why does she keep saying that im not going when its me that its for not her?! Thanks xxx

Jewlery to match this dress and shoes?

i cant see the dress but girl! the shoes are gorgeous! if the neckline of dress is high, wear longer necklace that matches shoes. if neckline is low u can still wear longer jewelry. lol. but like its got to be gold colored cuz silver jewelry and those shoes. no. good luck!

Which brand of roller blades should I buy?

I am a beginner planning to buy roller blades. I have seen some brands like RollerBlades, BladeRunner, Roller Derby. My budget is $50 to $80. Which brand would you suggest I buy? I need them for recreational purposes.

Anyone here good at advice? Need a female perspective on something embaring?

either send me an email or message me at j1mm25 (same sn on aim and yahoo, its a number one, not the letter i).

Best motherboard for under $100?

I need it to support crossfire and to have a AM3 slot and to have 4 slots of RAM and i prefer ATX over uatx

A single 50 year old woman said that she's looking for more wealthy men (as opposed to handsome)...huh?

It's amazing. Some women have dollar signs in their eyes. Especially in this economy. They also think they are so good in bed that men will want to give anything to stay with them. You would think a fifty year old woman would look for more than money. It's ridiculous. If anyone expects someone to take care of them them they don't need a mate. They need their parents.

Creationism in American education system?

No, that's not right. Evolution is a scientific theory; creationism is an ertion, there's nothing scientific about it, and it's illegal to teach in public schools.

Edgar Allan Poe hydrophobic? drunk?

Did edgar allan poe have hydrophobia? i kno dr.benitez said he did but he didn't prove it. I need proof of that to be convinced he actualy died of rabies. Is it possible he foretold his death through the poems he wrote? ps i will have to write an essay making the reader belive a theory but so far i believe in the theory of alcoholism unless i have proof he feared water or didn't drink at all when he was found at Gunners Hall . Please help..thanks=]

Where can I find adult Narnia costumes?

I'm helping out a local theater of mine that puts on The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe every Christmas season. I was going to buy some of the costumes that look similar to the movie's but can't find any that aren't for children. All the performers that portray the four children are teens. Anyone know a good place to find them?

Distilled water v. RO water?

I really do not want to use tap water for my saltwater aquarium but if I have to will. Ro units are pricy. My question is the distilled water you buy at the grocery store at the vending machine for about 25cents a gal the same as having a RO unit if not is it better than using tap water. THANKS

Whats your opinion on mascots?

OK well I'm in 8TH and im thinking about trying for the high school mascot next year for fun but i wanna know your opinions on this girls

To all you s out there... help?

This sounds like a childish fight,you girlfriends sounds selfish and like she wants you all to herself.

Why am I doing this? It's like a form of self harm?

I don't know why but maybe you're somthing like me and you get attatched to other people easily. Maybe they make you feel like home or something, like they are a part of your life and you want to hold onto it deep down inside even though the memories were painful. But you have to let go!!! It's difficult, but you have to do it. The next time you get the urge to check their profiles, resist it. Build up your self-control and surround yourself with positivity! :)

Fighters with short reach?

I'm a strong believer in size doesn't matter in fights. Yeah guys will be able to stick you and jab you from a distance but close the gap dirty box and reach is useless. You have to fight to your advantages control the ring.

How do you make distilled water?

When you evaporate water by boiling only the water molecules will go into the gas phase. You will then need to condense the water back into the liquid phase.

Like the top answer people to tell me a flask kit for canon XS, middle expense?

I ordered a phoneix flash, cord, bracket. could not tighten flash, cord was 4 ft , bracket was awful . Need help to get a sturdy bkt. auto focus , flash etc. i'am fairly new in photo, but like to shoot off camera. Thanks for everyone in the past. Artie

Can someone give me solid reasons to belive in creationism rather than evolution?

Please write a real answer, don't just write that either one sucks. If you have a source can you please tell me what it is too.

Like to join a Y/A's footy section tipping comp, well click on the URL below and register?

Would it be alright if I joined? Have found my way back here after disappearing during the whole troll debacle. Would keep up the tips each week but probably won't get far in terms of winning.


I posted on the website twice before but I really need help I am trying to get both sides across. My girlfriend hasnt got close to me in months and its because of my "violence" but I have changed at times before and she still wont get close to me, I feel sometimes I be violent these days because i'm so angry that my girlfriend won't get close to me but she claims she needs a long time for me to not do it to get close to me again?and she can't let her guard down NEED HELP LONG ANSWERS PLEASE!!

Help with math asap!! i need this done 2marrow, its over trigonometric identities more details below?

Love to help you, but your question was worded in SUCH a presumptuously arrogant manner, and you need to learn how to do your own homework. Don't rely on the Yahoo Answers community to do all your homework.


hey well i am currently studying romeo and juliet and was wondering if someone could give me a bunch of shakespears language techniques and explain them? i do know some like metaphor, simile, hyperbole, foreshadowing, oximorons, persomnification but can someone please add to that??

Does anyone know of a hand held word processor?

I'm looking for a word processor, nothing really fancy, but fairly small. All I need is the equivalent of word or notepad, and a keyboard. The only things on the internet I can find are either top-of-the-line PDA's/laptops, or large and highly expensive educational keyboards like AlphaSmart. Is there anything out there relatively small and simple?

What is the name of this salsa song?

Ok it's really bothering me because I don't know Spanish and I want to download this song! In the beginning it goes hoo-ha hoo-ha hoo-ha then they say ay yi yi something something. I know it's confusing! But I need to know. Thanks for your help.

Skin color in a fish is inherited via a single gene with four different alleles.?

If it's a single gene, and since each gamete would have only one of the chromosome with that gene, there would be four types of gametes.

How should I do my makeup for homecoming?

For homecoming, I would try smokey eyes maybe. They can really attract attention and if you don't over do it on the dark eyeshadow it can make your eyes look really nice. I have done it before, just don't use a lot of black.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Does the Bible undermine women?

Yes..thats EXACTLY what the original Greek said.....sheesh people. Modern English is SOOO just like Colloquial Greek, spoken over 2,500 years ago.

If you could have been one of the rat pack which person would you be?

Ok ,I'm a girl and if I have to pick a girl I'd say Marilyn.If I could pick a guy though I'd pick Sammy Davis Jr.,because he's awesome.Also, you have this one black guy that's totally accepted as an equal in a time that it was unheard of.I think it would be interesting to see if it really happened that way.

Does any one know where I can get a loan to buy a used car,without having a job or any credit, or a co-signer?

See, the thing is I have a son and he goes to day care, and I go to school, but I dont have a car, to get me and him around, and I need money to buy a car, but I need a job to get money, but I need a car to keep a job, so what do I do?

Good for you yet cheaper and simple dinners?

I'm trying to keep my grocery bills down. I'm feeding myself, husband and teenage son. I make a lot of chicken and vegetables, and pasta with meet sauce. My son complains that's all I make. Well being on a strict low sodium diet and not a ton a money to spend I need some ideas. My husband and I came up with crock pot ideas, and the many ways we can make chicken, meat and vegetables. Any more ideas? Thanks much for the help!

Lookin' for a new online casino to play. Which new internet casino is the best?

I like big bonuses, blackjack, video slots, and some of the gimmicky variations on video poker. Any good new online casinos that you know about?

One person (R) dominates over another (r), give the genotype and phenotype of 2 heterozygous (Rr) have 4 kids?

On Mars Red People Dominate over Green People (r). Give the genotype and phenotype of the offspring when 2 heterozygous (Rr) have 4 children.

I need help!!?

I got african albino clawed frogs a week of two ago they were gifts I give them tetra and my mom said I was giving them too much and I would kill them so I started giving them less but now they swim around the tank looking for food have I spoiled them or are they actually hungry and what should I do?

Do Theists make more sense than Atheists?

I wouldn't call someone who just got shot lucky. Sure it could have been worse, but it always can be. Even if he died it would be worse to be a quadriplegic, etc. The shooter is the one with the power here. His aim was responsible for where the bullet hit. Why ume divine intervention? People get shot all the time, and in every body part, too.

Do rollers make your hair wavy or curly?

if you want your curls to look like hers then i'd definitely say use a curling iron and thermal protectant spray...if you use rollers more than likely they will fall out during the night and you will lose your curl...but if you use a curling iron WITH thermal protectant spray it shouldn't do your hair harm because it is protected

What would you do?A must read!?

I have 3 good friends,we are really close.Well I work 11p-7a,and I went to 7-11 last night to get some coffee and a roll,and I see one of my friends with the other friends man.Now the thing is my other friend had just called me and said her man was going out with the boys.Now after 7yrs it seems like the last 3mths been kinda on the brinks.My friend was like girl he just needed someone to talk to.So I did'nt say nothing but I told her you know you wrong.He said nothing,just stayed in the back by the beer until I left.I wanna tell Michelle that I saw Jasmine with Darryl,or do I mind my buisness?They looked like they was tore up (drunk).I just want to do the right thing.Any advice!

My "buddy" is suing my insurance company, what could happen?

Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..

Anyone else feel Muffins using this mj-flawed pandemonium to reveal that she's been Karthi all along?

Dang,the flavour has just gone out of me chewing gum so do i keep chewing to 2get me moneys worth or throw it out

Doctor thinks i might have rare case of staph around belly on after surgery?

then follpw your doctors advice , take the medicine , dressing should be done to the operated site . then go for him for follow up after the medications .

Help! Need honest opinions in names!?

Some really cute names you have narrowed down to! I really like Annsleigh Brooke the best out of the girl names. The second one that I like best is Evie Rose. I love the middle name Rose, it's really pretty. Not a huge fan of Sydney Laine and McKenzie Brooke but the other two I love. The boy names are really cute as well. I really like the name Riley Glenn as well and my second favorite is Kameron. But my first choice would be Riley! Love the names...beautiful! Hope the best to you...take care, hope I helped...

Poll: Covalent parking space?

O.A.P's are the worst for it they can't judge distance or young guys with flash cars who don't want you opening the door to your car and banging it off theirs. (And hannah put a jumper on it's bloody freezing outside) I see you have changed your aviator, Warmer clothes are needed.

Do you change your computer background picture a lot?

This is not my computer... but my ACTUAL computer has a picture of Seth Green. I haven't changed it for a long time.

What is the role of RNA in origin and evolution?

rna or ribonucleic acid is the primitive form of dna.it has a very important role in origin and evolution.it undergoes random mutations or inheritable changes which paves the way for evolution. according to some biologists dna was made from rna because it was more stable and could carry more information that rna. the importance of rna is that only rna can be used to synthesise proteins which are responsible for our traits by the process of translation. that is why in higher life forms such as man the dna is first converted into a type of rna called messenger rna by the process of transcription

What race should I put on my college application?

Hey everyone! So I'm 1/4 Native American, and 3/4 Indian (my grandma was Native American). Am I allowed to put that I am Native American even if I'm only 1/4 Native American and I don't exactly look like one? I look like I'm a full Indian even though I'm 25% Native American. I want to put Native American because I know I'll get some Affirmative Action benefits, whereas if I put Asian, than I won't get any benefits and might be discriminated against in the admissions process. What should i do? Am I justified in putting Native American?

My boyfriend has PDA?

I have a boyfriend his name is Brad. But the only down side is that he doesn't kiss me.It feels kinda weird but i'm not really sure of what to do.PDA Public Display of Affection.

Are there any annointed Jehovah's Witnesses among us in R&S?

I've always wondered about this as well. From what I've heard, it's something they know in their heart, but that doesn't quite answer the question for me.

Since gay marriage is illegal because it's unnatural, should we illegalize cooking meat too?

How about we just hunt animals au natural, and eat them like lions do, blood and all! Also since clothes are unnatural, let's all become nudists! What other bigots are with me?!

Should I ask out my bestfriend?

We have been best friends for a little more than 8 years. I'm not sure if she likes me but recently she has been txting me alot and we went to disneyland, just me and her. We were also going to go to the movies but she got sick( we were going to see gnomioand Juliet) We also spent the superbowl together. I don't want to ruin our friendship though. I'm not sure what to do but I do know that I have liked her. I am a guy.

Boiler off - release pressure - gauge descends to 0 - in seconds pressure starts to build back to original val?

my suggestion would be to bleed your radiators, that will help bring the water pressure back up for you. make sure that when you bleed them you carry a towel around with you, and a bucket to squeeze the towel out in.

Please translate this to korean sentence/paragraph to english.?

dounika mada boku wo yamenai de ikiteiru Tatta ichodo waraeru nara nandodemo naittate ii ya Seippai unmei ni taiko seikai, fu seikai Jibun dake ni yurusareta kenri Sailing day kaiji wotore yoake wo matanai de hoo wo hatta oroka na dori-ma

Do you think political atheism is possible in this day and age?

Atheism has a specific meaning. It does not mean without political beliefs. You are trying to say, I believe, that you are non political, but a pragmatist. Words mean things.

I need some fantasy book suggestions...?

I am a 27 year old looking for fun, exciting fantasy books- the same as you would find in Harry Potter books. I could not get into Chronicles of Narnia, or Eragon. I am reading the Hobbit now, but I don't think I will pursue the Lord of the Rings books only because I've seen the movies and know what will happen. Can anyone give me some good suggestions?

Is E Careers.co.uk the course for me?

I'm looking to get qualified as an (MCSE). I've researcherd a few training schools like Computeach and Advent. I've heard alot of negative feed back that has put me off them. So I'm am now looking to obtain any feed back from anyone who has started or completed any E-Carers.co.uk course. Please let me know if this is a ligit course or a scam like the others. They come across cheap but are they worth it?


I always like when just after the tip he tells you what a team is playing on defense. Such as game above you mentioned "Villanova goes ....(says really fast) Man-to-Man"

Please please please bring danielle back for Ronnie they make such a fab team x?

Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich beeyotch. Keep this shite out of the basketball section.

Do you think, as Jason Akermanis alluded to on TFS, that before long the AFL could face an "African Invasion"?

Who cares,what race plays AFL ? As long at the end of the day your team wins,that's all that counts. There are talented players from all races,not a from a select race.Sport is universal,and multicultural.We can see the diversity,can effect,the way we do look at all races who play AFL. Look ar west coast at the moment with Natanui,he"s electrifying to watch,for a ruck man. I enjoy the diversity,of players.Diversity breaks down stereotyping and racism

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is this Midlife Crisis or is he really being sincere?

I am 25 and my boyfriend is 40. Both of us have never been married or had any children. we are very compatible with each other and have a lot to keep this relationship going. Now people say the 15yr age gap is too much but i don't mind. It has never really occurred to me in our interaction that there is a significant age difference. I also know at this stage in life that some men go through a midlife crisis. Would he be a perfect example of this? i know that John Mccain was exactly 40 when he married his 2nd wife Cindy who bore him 3 children. I just don't have an inheritance or come from a very wealthy family like Cindy Mccain did. All i have is my brain, my intelligence and the beautiful heart that the lord has blessed me with. My boyfriend on the other hand wants to put me through law school which is something i definitely want to do.

Did you see SurveyUSA's 50 state polling project?

In November, the Republican party will be dismantled. The Reagan coalition will be shattered, and the Republicans won't win a Presidential or Congressional election for the next 16 years in this country.

6 Year Old Violation of Probation But No Warrant?

there's probably a bench warrant out for you in ny but nobody wants to go through the trouble. your crime must have been a cl A misdemeanor.... i was pulled over awhile back and the cops informed me that i had one warrant in washington state and one in north carolina...the washington one is very old as i was just traveling through and got a ticket. nc was a parking violation in a city i'd never even been to(i think somebody got my keys and took a joyride while i was out of town) anyway,they just let it go...i guess it's not worth all the trouble for them. i went ahead and took care of them anyway. i guess you have nothing to worry about unless you go back.

What do you look for when meeting your son's girlfriend?

Be yourself, otherwise you will create wrong expectations on them. They are supposed to like you the way you are. If you think they wont like you is because there might be something about yourself you feel you need to change. Then change, don't just appear to be. You'll do great!

Do I have a "ual" problem?

I havn't had in about 6 months and I am finding myself really desperate! The other day I got pulled over and I totally imagined myself having with the cop! And I keep thinking about hooking up with a guy just for the day and never talking to him again, just to satisfy my "needs". And I always imagine it to be rough raunchy ual acts. Im not one to have promiscuous , and Iv never had a one night stand, but Im starting to get desperate :( Is this normal?

(revised) What do I do Please tell me?

I wrote my scenario before but I left out a lot of information. I cant stop thinking about this girl who lives in the apartment next door to me. I always thought that she was really hot but she lives with her boyfriend. Then her and a friend knocked on my door and invited me over to a party. The thing is that there were only 2 other guys. Both of them were definitely weird and not good looking at all. I would hate to sound shallow but women are usually attracted to me. I am no Brad Pitt. Realistically, people say I look a lot like Dennis from its always sunny in philadelphia. haha The point is, I don't have any struggle finding girls in NYC. But this girl next door is special. Anyway, we were talking and she had brought up the fact that she broke up with the guy she is living with so I thought that I was in the clear. Then she threw another party tonight and I wasnt invited. I am starting to think that the challenge of this girl is what Im seeking but at the same time, I feel like if she liked me, it would be the best day of my life. I would truly appreciate it. It wouldnt just be some sort of catch-and-release. What the hell do I do??? I hope that I am not mistaking flirting for genuine kindness. I feel like such a talking like this haha.

Mean man feeds nails and gl to neighbors dog.?

He should pay the vet bills and he should face criminal charges. At the very least, he should have to perform community service.

ECW has only 1 diva?

They've basically cleared out most of ECW. I think they're trying to get new talent in there. Both of the titles are on Smackdown and Raw, so there wasn't much point to having any girls on ECW.

Please edit this sentence for me!!! Thank you!!! ?

Often, I was hit by the teacher for not completing tasks and every time I tried to explain the whole cl was treated to a long sermon. I became miserable and was on the brink of suicide.

Ok when randy orton won his first title beating benoit there was a hype video with a song called take it all?

song called take it all the way who was the artist/band? i remember the chorus being take it all the way now? does anyone know what im talking about

Does anyone else think anything like this is possible?

if there's a collective consciousness, can there be "true evil"? wouldn't it just be a perception of living people?

Creationism in schools?

I know this was a big issue in 2008, but is it still an issue? Do people still seriously think we should teach religion as a viable science? And if so why?

I eat so much but have very little fat, why is this?

I probably have on a daily basis in the 6K calorie range and about 130g of fat. Here's the weird part- I have a little belly, but barely anything at all. Just enough that it moves a little bit when I jump, not even when I walk or run. But why am I not the size of my car? I am a 30+ mile a day biker, but I don't think it's enough to burn all that off. I've been eating like this for years, but I've never been close to overweight. I weigh 245, but according to my doctor overweight starts at about 280 for me since I have a seriously huge frame and 18" arms of solid, hardearned muscle.

What do you think? NRL GF?

Now that the Blue & Gold S have knocked the Bulldogs out, the Blue & Gold s minus Hayne & Keating will be thrashed by Melbourne 56-0. Remember what happened to Cameron Smith last year the same has to happen to both Hayne & Keating, Storm to cruise.

The Final Exam - A little large joke, but is hilarious!!!?

This joke can be as effective rather much effective if if would have been much shorter. By the way, it has already been appeared in bollywood movie 3 Idiots.

What book can be compared to the Great Gatsby?

I'm writing a paper on what books can be compared to the Great Gatsby- any book ideas? The comparative books have to be relative based on plot, theme, characters, etc. also if and how authors are the same- any help is appreciated. thanks..

If Saddam were still in power, would the Iranians be in the streets preparing for a revolution to become free?

I'm fascinated by this reasoning. What makes anyone think that Iraq is a free, capitalistic society, or that Iranians have a clue about what is going on in Iraq since the media there is entirely state controlled? The United Arab Emirates has been a relatively free, totally capitalistic society for years. Why didn't the people of Middle Eastern countries become inspired to overthrow their government when they saw pictures of all the wealth and freedom in Abu Dhabi and Dubai?

Do I or will I ever have what it takes to get sponsored?

I absolutely love to snowboard. This year I am going to a snowboard academy where I can ride 6 days a week with coaches. It seems like everyone has been picking up their first sponsors lately except me. I'm 16 and a girl. I can do front/back 360's all 1's, front boards, back boards with ones off, presses, and can free-ride pow well. I know i have a lot of work to do but do you think its a possibility and what else should i be working on? thanks.

For Koreans, which do you prefer, Cebu or Manila? (for both tourists and students) And Why?

I come to ask this because there are soooooo many Korean students in our university here in Cebu City, their population increases like about 10% every semester. In fairness to them, they are really good people (not to mention they let you copy some Math-related problems). it would be a miracle in a day if I don't see Koreans. They are all around in malls, groceries (buying lots of tissues), restaurants, etc. I asked one and he said that in Manila it's really dangeous. Hmmmm... What about others? ^_^

Palin thinks Canada should dismantle its healthcare system?

Sarah Palin does have her supporters, but to most Americans she is seen as divisive to her own party, a fame-, unethical, and many times just an embarring nutball. That she even has the audacity to comment on America's policies, let alone speak against the Canadian health care system is absolutely absurd, but the usual for Palin.

How could bono have done this to his fellow liberals?

Bono clearly thinks out his position and weighs the advantages instead of blindly following one ideology or another.

How to talk like different sterotypes thru msn?

i like to trick ppl, i alread kno the nazi talk like "vy hello zere, vut iz your name?" and that, but i want to learn how to talk like Bruno, an Arab, Frenchman, a Dutch ect.. anything !!! thank you !

My 4 month old will only eat 2 onz., unless I sleep her first. What is wrong?

She was eating well(4 OZ every three hours) up until a month ago. Now she will only finish her bottle if I sleep her with her pacifier and then switch it to her bottle. She will happily down her whole bottle this way. I have tried feeding her what she wants(2 OZ) and holding her off until the next feeding so shell be hungry,and in this way get her on a schedule but instead shell cry and stop eating completely, the last time she went 5 hours on 1 OZ, she simply would not eat but was crying like crazy.Im afraid that what began as an attempt to keep her fed has become or will become a very bad habit. What is causing this strange behavior? And What can I do to fix it?

What are some good hamster names?

i want to get two dwarf hamsters and they will be both girls. i like names that go together like pop and tart or tic and tac. i don't want either of these though.

How is my fantasy football team? Plz Help!?

Your WR situation is scary bad. Maybe you can trade Arian Foster or package up Forsett and Shiancoe and get a wide out. Nicks could be good and I think you will end up starting Johnny Knox. Wallace is missing his QB for 4-6 weeks. Housh scares me, there are a lot of WR's over there now. Vincent Jackson probably won't play all year. Yeah..I would try to make a trade using one of your running backs and possibly Shiancoe to get a good WR.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

How do I make a mattress cover?

I want to make a mattress cover like the ones that my grandmother used to hand quilt for babies. I have no idea how to proceed. I need something like that for a single bed and it must cover the entire mattress. My sister (74 years old) has cancer, she has lost a lot of weight and now finds her mattress very uncomfortable. We want her to buy a new mattress but she does not want to do that. So I am thinking that if I could make her a think mattress cover something like I describe above that it would make her bed more comfortable. Over this hand made pad, I would get her one of those foam covers to make it even more cozy. Does anyone know how I should proceed with this project. Many thanks.

What do you dress your baby in inside their sleeping bag?

I try to keep it as light as possible Maybe a singlet or a light bedsuit. The idea is I dont want to wake her up while trying to change the diaper. Apart from that, with the heater and the blanket and the sleep suit, I cant risk an additional layer of clothing to overheat her.

Are swine flu vaccinations being given to Guantanamo Bay detainees?

I don't know the facts about that because it's the first I've heard of it. I would say these people have not been convicted of anything yet so we have to offer top care.

Why wasn't the fact that McCain may have not been tortured brought up in the debates?

Well, according to the Bush administration's interpretation of what is considered torture, McCain was never tortured at all. Instead, he was merely subjected to "enhanced interrogation techniques" by the Viet Cong. Thus, the issue is now settled, and the veteran's group has thereby been vindicated by the unlikeliest of allies: pResident Bush. LOL 5X

Good rock/metal songs to learn on the piano?

well you could learn the start of crticial acclaim of ax7 and you could also do warmness on the soul by ax7 but thats not metal.

How soon after juicing should you drink the juice?

i've heard that fresh juice loses a lot of its nutritional value if not drunk immediately after juicing. i would like to go on a juice-fast, but will have to prepare my lunch-time juice in the morning before i come to work. will the juice still be as healthy by lunch-time as it was in the morning? would it make a difference if i placed it in a vacuum flask?

What's ment by saying that the sharing of electrons betwen atoms falls on a continum from covalent &ionic bond

atoms have a certain amount of electronegativity or "pull" on electrons.....when they "pull" harder, it makes the charges more definite......as atoms bond to make molecules, they can exchange or share electrons to fill up their outer energy shell.....however, it really may fall somewhere between sharing and exchanging....maybe a little of both, that is where the continuum part comes in. Covalent is sharing (co means between/together, like coworker) ionic is exchanging electrons

Do Smokers Deserve Equal Treatment Opportunities as Non-Smokers?

Yes, their only smokers, we can not judge them because they are addicted to nicotine. Alot of scientists, doctors, lawyers, teachers, authors, and business leaders smoke. With or without the nasty smoking habit, their people and as useful as the next.

Am i too skinny??

I'm in the 7th grade and i do a fair bit of exercise, i do gymnastics, soccer, swimming and athletics. I weigh 88lbs. Is this normal?

Is the mind an AI computer made by aliens?

If you have a broad definition of aliens then you are spot on. Oh, and a broad definition of intelligent too.

LGA775 Motherboard CPU Compatibility?

yeah, in theory, though it depends if the manufacturer added support into the bios for older 800mhz FSB Socket 775 P4s and PDs

How is the beginning of my story?

wow 14, I would have never thought. I'm actually excited about this story, I types I like ! I love the quote at the beginning, very nice! I wish you the best, good luck!

How many works have beethoven done in his life time ?

i.jones is correct inasmuch as Beethoven's opus numbers go to 138. However, some of Beethoven's opuses contain several works (Op 18 comprises 6 string quartets, for instance) and there are very many works without opus numbers (which one will often see catalogued as 'WoO'). There are 205 of these alone! The actual number of individual works Beethoven wrote is 849 (according to Biamonti's catalogue).

Why do people need to use slurs and stereotypes?

The "N" word is offensive to me regardless of who uses it. White people died in the civil rights marches too, you know.

Should I be a partner in my husband's LLC?

My husband has a single member llc. He does all the manual labor and I do the bookkeeping. Should we change it and make me a partner/co-owner or leave it as a smllc? If I understand it correctly, his personal ets would be protected under the llc but mine (which would be his also) would not. Also, should I be on payroll or just stick with my husband's draw?


Maybe you can go and study Mummenschanz a bit, they used to always be on TV! I can't really help you here! I really hate mimes!

Can you tell my why i dreamt of this?

Well this morning i woke up sniffling like i was crying, but no tears were coming out. i was upset because of the dream i was having that night, which was about these two girls who will both go to my high school. okay lets call one girl Mary and one girl Sammy. Mary is still my friend, we are in 8th grade and have been friends since elementary school, although i am trying to move on from her because she is not that great of a friend. Sammy got mad at me and Mary last summer, and she was so mad that she erased our emails and our phone numbers even after we sincerely apologized, and stayed mad for quite a while, into the 8th grade school year. Well now its the end of 8th grade and Mary and Sammy are friends again, so Mary is friends with both of us but it seems like they don't want me to know they are friends because I am still not friends with Sammy, nor to I want to be. I dont dislike Sammy because of what happened and I am not sure how she feels about me. Anyways in my dream it was the first day of high school but we were all in the playground of our elementary school. i was on the swings with my two good friends, but they left to go play somewhere else, and i stayed on the swings. Sammy started pushing me really hard, making me go really high and twisting all around, almost hitting the person on the next swing. I was crying and yelling at her to stop, and yelling at Mary, who was standing there and lauging, to make her stop. They both continued what they were doing until i jumped off the swing and yelled "F*** You" at them, still crying and really mad, and walked over to my other friends and told them what happend. they sympatized for me and helped me get inside to the school, which is our middle school, and told the principle. Mary and Sammy didn't get in trouble because i woke up after that. I wonder what this could mean? And does it have to do with that fact that i am nervous for high school because my really nice friends are going to a different one and i have to go where Mary and Sammy are going, where they are going to be on the cheerleading squad?? whereas i am not and i dont even know if i will join any kind of club yet.

AP US history chapter sheets 10 points!!!?

You could write a summary for each separate section of the chapter and provide good transitions between each one making it one huge summary. Or you could ask your teacher, he/she will be able to help you more than anybody else.

Dream about being in a firefight?

I had a dream that I was in Iraq ( I was in Kuwait, about to go to Iraq when I had this dream) and I didnt have my weapon because I left it in my tent, and I was told to get another magazine of ammo. When I went to look for the Sergeant that had the ammo, I heard people saying the Iraqi's are coming, and they started coming over this hill that was right there. They started attacking us and I freaked out because I didnt have a weapon, so I low crawled into the nearest tent and told them what happened. I have had about 3 Iraqi dreams since I have been here that I remember (been here 10 months). Can anyone tell me what this might mean.

What kind of political foreknowledge does musician Wyclef Jean have to run for President of Haiti?

Hip-hop musician Wyclef Jean is planning to run for President of Haiti later this year, but what qualifies him to run as president? Does anyone know if he has any (if any) knowledge regarding politics, government, economics, etc.? As we all know, Haiti is a country in dire need of political, economic, and social transformation. Haiti faces political corruption, extreme poverty (it's the poorest country in the Americas and some say the Western Hemisphere), and natural disasters. It's worrisome that a rapper who dropped out of college wants to run a country where nearly 80% of the population lives on less than $2 U.S. a day. What Haiti needs is an intelligent, perseverant, college graduate who knows about political affairs, not a pompous musician who used to rap about them.

If you have two unknown substances one ionic and one covalent how might you tell which is which?

Not true. Covalent compounds can also dissolve in water. Glucose and sucrose are good examples. Place them both in water, and the one that conducts an electric current would be the ionic one.

Why was this such a secret?

i like this kid a lot and he knows it.. we hungout and before he said he would hu with me if nobody found out.. we hooked up all night and did some other stuff.... i feel used but i told him i dont wanna be used and i dont like one time things. he said it doesnt have to be a one time thing and he was planning on talking to me again.. but its been a week and he hasnt texted me when he said he would.... why is it such a secret that we hooked up? he said he didnt want people spreading **** but i dont know

Why does Israel treat Palestinians with such kindness?

...compared to how the Lebanese and Jordanians treat them? Remember September 1970 and how the Palestinians destroyed Lebanon? Conditions in the West Bank are much better than the refugee camps in those places. I am not Jewish and I wish for the two-state solution, but it's pretty clear that Muslims don't really care about Palestinians and just use this conflict to hate on Jews under the pretense of "anti-Zionism," which happens to be an integral part of Judaism.

Kendra Wilkinson taking drugs in high school but getting the reward of being a playmate and Hef's girlfriend..

Well it kinda worries me that anyone would look up to women who would be in an adult magazine. I mean regardless of how high cl one is or says it is I would not want my daughter if I had one looking up to those kind of women. Lets face it in today's world all there are anymore are strippers, sports figures and bad politicians for young people to look up to. I mean there are few real hero's left in this world that actually have ever done anything great or good for mankind.

Rate my Fantasy Football team?

It is pretty good except Marshawn Lynch is suspended for the first four games of the season so I would put Fred Jackson in instead

Is my picture showing up?? WQ read more inside.easy 10 points?

is my triple h logo showing up jw??? WQ-do you think randy orton will win the wwe title sooner or later??

Friday, November 11, 2011

Oxidation of Ethanol?

it is not a redox reaction because in a redox reaction ,a substance should oxidise and substance should get reduced.but here ethanol gains one oxygen to become ethanoic acid.

Should I start Aaron Rodgers or Carson Palmer?

Hard not to go with Rodgers (I have him, too)--so consistently good. But against Baltimore's good p rush, and with Palmer going against poor Detroit defense, I might consider Palmer. I'm thinking of sitting Rodgers this week, too, and playing McNabb against bad Atlanta secondary.

Does beef stew thicken as it cooks?

If potatoes are added, then the stew will thicken as the water reduces. Otherwise, you may want to add either plain flour or potato flour to thicken the stew before serving.

Is this protein good?


Is this why suicide bombers attack people?

What a load of tripe... ! If you always try and live your Life the correct way, and do not expect others to do it for you... well you will not go far wrong. I have never needed anyone to show me the way, because I have followed the above laws. But as for flowing streams, and beautiful mansions.... please do get a life and stop reading fairy stories. There is nothing in any book which will guide you down the correct way, because if you do not know it now .... you never will, and there goes life. By the way I certainly do not need the Koran, because that is certainly a no no.


like i already know basics like ollie, shuv it, and im a really good vurt skater. i just need to know how to get bigger then im already going if you can understand that... one more thing. if your parents dont like you skating they think its like a "extreme sport" what should i do?

Why are violent crimes committed more by one race than others?

I think that Bill Cosby asked some of the same questions basically. Not sure that he got any answers either.

How does Bruno from the boy in the striped pyjamas make you feel sympathetic?

Well Bruno makes you feel sympathetic because he explains how the boy is treated cruelly, and lives in a concentration camp. Bruno doesn't understand the whole concentration camp, but he feels bad for him regardless, just because of what happened to Shmuel. BTW how far are you in the book? This question won't make sense to you otherwise.

Jeff Fisher Fans he is nice guy but its time to go ?

Okay before you Titan fans say he is a great coach he is a good coach at most his resume is not that good he did coach you to a Super Bowl 10 years ago (that he did not win) he is to safe play calling his team is average I read all these post people if they had this Qb or this WR ..thats any team out there I mean hell if the Raiders had Tom Brady and Reggie Wayne and Adrain Peterson they would be a better team does that make Tom Cable a good coach .Its all an excuse he has coached I think 16 years now and has ONE Super Bowl Apperance and sevearl first round playoff loses .So Why keep him ??? Just to hope yall can trade for big time free agents or get better draft picks maybe all that has nothing to do with Fisher his work of art is sad but the Titans fans keep excusing losing because he is a Good Coach I dont think so

Why would meiosis produce only half the needed chromosomes?

ok, so you start with sperm and an egg. they unify and mix and perform meiosis. the product if 4 half DNA cells. why would half DNA cells be needed when forming an embryo?

Is it true that ingesting more than trace amounts of lactose, glucose, or fructose will intensify inflammation?

a href="http://www.ehow.com/how_5807075_avoid-sugar-causing-inflammation-body.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.ehow.com/how_5807075_avoid-su…/a

What do you guys think of my movie idea?

I thought about this movie about this farmer who's wifey and kids are abducted by this supper space alien who crashed near his farm. The alien is kinda like predator. Actually he might as well be predator. So yea the farmer builds a bunch of weapons to go fight the alien. Does that sound like a movie you would go watch. We can use the theme from terminator 2 for when he makes his weapons from different farming tools. wait, better yet instead of the alien maybe it can be a terminator who was sent back to take out the farmer because the farmers son would be the founder of Cyberdyne systems competitor who puts cyberdyne out of business.

Terrorism ?... Earth needs an asteroid shield ?

Wow, You are CRAZY!!! They wouldn't be able to build an "Asteroid Sheild" big enough or durable enough to stand the Asteroid that's coming for us.

Annabel lee poem help?

carefully read Poe's "Annabel lee" again. Note the literary features used in the poem (alliteration, onance, rhyme, repetition). What effects of these literary features on the mood of the poem? Comment on whether these elements are effective in bringing the reader into the feel/or emotions of the poem.

****Could you guys help me pick out a new phone?

The new Pantech Matrix, it is only 79.99 with mail in rebate. It has a Qwerty keypad, internet access, and many other things.

Why do men not want to commit but get mad when u move on after they say they don't mind bcuz u r just friends?

I am currently involved with someone who doesn't want a commitment at the moment. I have been involved with them for quite some time. After many months of heartache I have decided to see other people. Of course now that I am seeing someone else (guy 2), guy 1 is now upset because I have reduced our relationship to a platonic one. Now he is saying he wants a commitment but I think it is because he just wants me to wait around and not talk to anyone until he is ready to be commited. Unfortunately for him, I'm not one to put my life on hold for him anymore.

Tanning beds..naturally tanned :S?

Im spanish and naturally tanned but im not as tan as iwant to be..plus i have very uneven tan where my legs, stomachs, chest and arms are all different colors i just want to tan and be all dark! but im kinda scared to get looked at weird cause im already tanned..(please dont give me the speech on how tanning beds are bad i know..) what im trying to figure out would it be THAT weird for someone already tan to get in a tanning bed? thanks!

Am I the only one who loved the Cena farewell speech?

No sweetie! Am with you! I l shed a few tears!! but really it was good! especially when he was talking bout his mom and about his brother's girl...! John Cena rocks!

Buy Brink on PC or PS3?

have tons of people on either platform. I say PS3, even though the network is/was down for a while. Get a more full effect for shooters on cnosole rather than PC.

What's the exact quote from mcr's lotms where frank says...?

...something like "at least we're in a populated area." when the fan breaks down. i remember the part, but want to know the exact quote, so i don't look like an idiot. (:

Since 2001 everyone in the US owes on average $3500 + interest for the Afghan & Iraq wars, is it worth it?

Your math skills are way off. Also, why not point the stimulus bill that cost the same as the wars, or social security that cost 30 times the wars or medicare that cost 30 times the wars?

Is this a partial list for the right to remember november?

Ann Kirkpatrick (Ariz.), Harry E. Mitchell (Ariz.), Gabrielle Giffords (Ariz.), John Salazar (Colo.), Betsy Markey (Colo.), Allen Boyd (Fla.), Suzanne M. Kosmas (Fla.), Baron P. Hill (Ind.), Earl Pomeroy (N.D.), Charlie Wilson (Ohio), John Boccieri (Ohio), Kathy Dahlkemper (Pa.), Christopher Carney (Pa.), John M. Spratt, Jr. (S.C.), Tom Perriello (Va.), Alan B. Mollohan (W.Va.), and Nick J. Rahall II (W.Va.).

Christians: If God told you to and murder a baby, would you?

anything that is not truth is not from God. we must come to him in all truth and he will hear us.God has no greater joy than to know his chrildren walk in truth! and truth will set you free from all the error that is in this fallen world.

Help! I have to get rid of this?

i was shaving in the shower this morning and the razor skid so now i have an insanely long cut down my upper thigh. I normally wouldn't care but i have a pageant this weekend and i need it to be faded or gone. any suggestions on how to do this? thank you :)

Are there any dietary supplements that aid in mood balancing in young children?

Have a 4 year old son with problems coping, and meltsdown easily. His therapist has suggested I investigate the use of dietary supplements, ie. fish oils etc.

DEP Air Force, What does the meetings consist of?

I enlisted a few weeks ago and have no school dates to ship out. I'm on the DEP..What exactly is that? Do you meet as a group once a month and excerise? I'm joined the Air Force, so AF peeps only please. How long does it take?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Did right-wing talk show personalities encourage the recent violent acts by disturbed individuals?

Most specifically the recent airplane attack on the IRS and the gunman who opened fire on the Pentagon police officers

Was the big shaq trade a 'double or nothing' for phoenix?

championship or bust. just like you said the suns are not getting any younger. shaq isnt getting any younger. the thing with shaq though was that they always felt they were one of the elite team in the league, they just had a problem with tim duncan. shaq would be the answer to duncan. this trade would have been beautiful, a few years ago. the two premier teams in the league are young, lakers and hornets. theres no way that suns with this lineup compete with these young teams.

For those of you who watched the Spain versus Greece game?

From the perspective of a redeem team fan i gotta say greece underwhelmed me, i never quite bought into them this year, especcially all the hype over there pg, so im not all that surprised. I gotta say though that Jose Calderon and Ricky Rubio are goooood. There quick, can shoot, and are very crafty with the ball. Im still not sure rubio can shine against Kobe, but i think he definetly will have a place in the NBA. The thing is spain is strong at almost every position, and they are farily deep, with about 8 guys that can play with the usa. Argentina has struggled alot already and i think there getting alot more credit then they deserve just cause they won a while ago and have the most nba players. There to old and beat up. Greece also doesnt look that good so far and i think the USA should handle them, although it should be close for a long time. But spain could really give them some problems. Do i still think the usa will win gold, yes, but i am starting to buy that spain will drag the game out till the very last shot.

Pros and cons of the carnival triumph?

i'm going on the carnival triumph for the first time and kinda just wanna know the pros and cons of it

Found the right girl at 17 ?

ok heres the deal. My past relationships have gone down the crapper and ive been left pretty hurt (cuase im a softy lol dont judge). So at the moment ive been spending alot of time with my best friend, we are both the same age and we already no tht we are both interested in each other. The only problem is, is that im scared of commiting because of loosing her as a friend or hurting her and/or me. Also the thought that i could easily spend the rest of my life scares me at this point in my life. Also my feelings for this girl arent exactly clear, but this could be due to the confusion in my mind. This is a real painfull decision and just asking for some advice whether or not to take the plunge?? Any other opinions would be great as well.

Is this illigel or even possible?

so i was watching breakout about guy's who breakout of jail and there was a guy dennis wayne hope and i wanted to send him a letter is it possible to send it to texas prison and him see it can he write back i really wanted to send it oh and im from canada so

Why isn't wilt considered the greatest player ever?

In his head-to-head matchups with Bill Russell, Wilt almost always came out second best. Wilt was a much better player physically, but Russell had a mental edge, and a toughness that Wilt simply couldn't match. Whenever Wilt led a team up against Russell and the Celtics, his team usually lost and Russell at least held his own in the head-to-head matchup. It's difficult to be considered the greatest player of all time when there's a rival from your own era that you simply could not beat.

Hi, i have Acer4150 Laptop 1.4GHz Pentium M processor 256MB Ram DDR2, 586MHz FSB. Can i UPGRADE for 2GB RAM?

You should go to Acer website and ask that question because i think that your computer can only have 1 GB Ram like mine. Thats why you should go on their website and make sure.Hope that helped you and have a nice day! :)

Will pendulums stop swinging?

if they are swinging in vacuum, they wont stop......but this is not physically possible...so, they will eventually stop due to the earth's pull.....

When the god of Abraham said, "Thou shalt not kill", did he mean except for when I command you to kill?

As I am told it was thou shall not murder. Obviously it could not be thou shall not kill. They killed animals in order to eat and to protect themselves and others.

I just started this story, what do you think?

I think its a good plot, but you definitely need some better writing skills. try taking a course in writing skills. There are three things that bother me the most in your writing: waay too many exclamation marks, you have either run ons or very short sentences, and your grammar sucks. No offense, but just try to improve those things and you could be writing soo much better. taking a cl, or even just reading more could help you with your grammar so much. Good luck :]

I can't with my boyfriend...grr!!?

I have no problem reaching on my own...I usually use a vibrator, but I decided to try to reach one without the other day to "see if i still could" and BAM no problem. For some weird reason, I cant seem to reach with my boyfriend who I am totally infatuated with. Weve not been dating for 5 months, so its getting really frustrating. To top it off, he LOVES giving , and hes really good at it, but for some reason I just cant do it! I dont even get close, and he will go down for up to 25 minutes before I just get frustrated and stop him. Ive had s w/ other guys before. Whats going on, and how do i come w/ him??? I even pulled out the vibrator w/ him and even that didnt do it for me...help!

Twilight fans!! please help!!!?

What are the three phases of cell mitosis that Bell and Edward discover??? Please help... I'm trying to win a poster for my twilight obsessed cussy!! :L

The boy that i love is my freind i dot no if he love me too but i felling that if he love me i will no it fast?

The boy that I love is my friend I dot no if he love me too but if he love me i will no it fast, but what should i do and he can love me too like i love.

What do you think about this?

Unfortunately you will likely have some very big issues. I would recommend you visit him without the child and go to meet his family. You will then see what kind of trouble you are in for. Don't go alone - take a friend.

Which is Heath Ledger's best film?

Hard, hard. His films are soo different is difficult to choose just one. But my favorite is The Dark Knight. Although Brokeback mountain and Dr. parnus are so great, too.

A good anime series wid fantasy and romance?

Please recommend a good anime series- not ones wid gory violence or a boring story but one wid good action or a cute love story or both.

Why it is sometimes when we(JW's)are out in the ministry some people we meet tell us"I'm not a jehovah witness?

In reality, it's the typical stupid, sloppy response from people who simply don't care to engage in a Bible discussion. That kind of response doesn't even make any sense......it implies we're out looking for other Witnesses. Come on....

Liberals: Remember when Obama promised he was going to get rid of Lobbyists in Washington?

You forgot to mention Andy Stern and SEIU influence... truth even listed on Wikpedia and any internet search! Who's the "most popular visitor" at the WH? Andy and his band of thugs... In any case, to "rid" Himself of lobbyists would be to RESIGN since Obama IS a lobbyist of the worst kind.

Who else feel sorry for Hillary?

Lets put aside the same boring rhetoric against her for a second and be fair and objective, does she deserve all these attacks against her? This lady have spent her entire life for people's causes, to get them a health care, a pioneer in civil rights issues, and equal opprtunity for everybody in this country. Her husband's administration was the best Americans ever had in prosperity and economic growth and now everybody seems to abandon her and tarnish her record. This is just so unfair and for what? because of a couple of statements from Bill clinton when he tried to defend his wife and note the difference between her and Obama? does this deserve this dramatic shift where 9 out of 10 blacks vote for Obama, to make whites liberals and women abandon her and go for Obama?

When exactly do you violate copyright law?

For instance, if in a story there were character sitting in Starbucks (which is noted in the story) and one of them is shown to order a Frappuccino, would this be considered copyright or trademark infringement? Or if something was mentioned in ping, like a character from Harry Potter or The Da Vinci Code--is that legal?

My ques. about masturbating?

its normal to have different fantasies, there is nothing wrong with you so u dont have to go to the doctor for something like that.

Can a person go to jail if she/he leave the scene of a traffic crash?

Well, if she hired the lawyer, she should do what the lawyer says. Because if she's going to do whatever she wants anyway, she should just save the money she is spending on the professional and take her chances.

What would be the weirdest celebrity marriage you can think of?

Here's mine David Suzuki and Martha Stewart. Ignore the age go by what they are famous for and their personality.

How exactly do the halves of The Wife of Bath's Tale from The Canterbury Tales contradict?

The first and second halves of the Wife of Bath's Tale (separated by the pardoner's interruption) seem to contradict. Examine the contradiction, and explain how they can be understood to agree with one another. How is this interpretation reinforced by the Wife of Bath's Tale?

Higher maths question?

when being asked to sketch a graph of a quadratic how do i know if i should use the way that you differentiate then nature table and work from there or the way you find the x coordinates and then the axis of symmetry and work from there, i cannot work out what way i am meant to do it! anyone know?

Can prayer give us the truth? The mormons claim it can ,what do you think?

Can we all get the truth from prayer to see if the Quran, Bible, Book of Mormon, Torah, any number of religeous writings are God's word? Should it take a little more than our feelings to determine truth? How would you feel if one night the pilot of the plane you were aboard turned off all the insterments and just prayed to God for guidance. What if he prayed to a God that you don't belive in? How much creedence would you give a scientist that claimed that the evidence for his discovery is only avalible to those who pray to God with a sincere heart. Is this good clear reasoning or just the emperor new clothes again?! This type of thinking brings us flat-earthers Geocetrists, creation scientist and an anti-scientific anti-critical thinking mentality. Most churches don't want their members to think in clearly itical ways. This would undermine the faith of their followers. Why insist on some evidence. Why not just pray about the Book of Mormon........you think about it.

Where's the respect that I've shown?

my advice to you is get the hell out of there asap.what do you mean you still have to live together? why is both your names on the lease,easy just leave and explain to the real estate they will understand if only your name is on the lease then kick him out with police help if you have to. there is no law that would compel you to stay in such uncomfortable situation. you sound like such a giving person and unfortunately for everyone of us giving people in this world there is a taker and user who don't care that other people have feelings

Which Aries should I choose?

Hi there, we can't choose for you, you have to do that yourselff you know. Figure out with whom of those Aries you feel more attached/comfortable with and then decide.

Who's more qualified to be Commander in Chief...a man who was caught by the enemy or the man who wasn't?

Fortunately, this is America and Sen. Obama took advantage of that and refused to join the armed forces. Besides, he was being groomed for the US Senate by Rev. Wright. BUT, be thankful that Sen. McCain did join the armed forces, for you see, if he hadn't, then he would not know the terrible abuses our military men/women had and have to suffer.

SRC XM8 gen. III question?

So, I plan on getting the generation III: a href="http://reddragonairsoft.net/SRCXM8Gen3.html" rel="nofollow"http://reddragonairsoft.net/SRCXM8Gen3.h…/a and I was wondering If I need to reinforce if I want to put in an M130 spring because the fps is kinda low as it is.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Who do you think was a better choice for a godfather to Harry--Sirius or Remus?

Sirius was closer to James, and was more like James, thus would have been the better father substitute. Anyway, Remus was a werewolf, and because of the series of anti-werewolf laws, I hardly think he would have been able to become the legal guardian of a child, aprticularly if the child was the son of a pureblood.

What is your favorite thing to do after you finish "making love"?

Usually after me & my hubby are finished we wipe down the back seat of his truck with that baby's wipes & put back in the kids car seats & go back in the house & unwind with a gl of beer and cuddle up by the stove and watch Judge Judy.

Can someone please explain the "lamp of knowledge" to me?

Almost with anything academic, there seems to always have this intertwined symbol of an archaic lamp (genie style :D..haha) which must symbolize knowledge. I've seen it often, and I'm wondering if anyway can explain it's origin along with why it is one of the most widespread symbols for knowledge?

Is this a fair fantasy baseball trade?

Team A is getting a much better deal. Chris Davis is an unproven commodity and will probably suffer through a sophmore slump this year. Johnson is also on the tail end of his career and is not worth even picking up in most leagues at this point. Oswalt has looked very good so far pitching for the US in the WBC(except for that last inning vs. Venezuela). Ibanez is also great at producing homers and RBI and has done so almost all his career in a pitchers park in Seattle. Now that he is in that hitters park in Philly he will be cranking 35+.

How to build a larger snowboard ramp?

i made a 3.5 ft starting ramp but i want to make it a little higher with just snow. it turned into mostly ice but thers still regular snow. any tips? and i have a 1 ft jump ramp at the bottom. Any tips on jumping higher? thanks.

What`s better, karate and judo or kickboxing and jiu-jitsu.?

I have the choice to train karate, judo or jiu-jitsu and kickboxing. What`s better for conditioning and like real fighting. 1 againts 1 like MMA

How can you treat anxiety without medication?

I am generally a happy person but in the last 2 weeks I have been so angry that I have thought about hurting myself or others. Not that I would do that, but the thoughts are still there. I am a Iraqi war veteran but I don't want to claim PTSD. I've always said no matter how bad things are someone has it worse than me. However, if I don't address this problem I am afraid that my wife with leave me. The last thing I need is sarcastic recommendations so if you are going to leave something please be genuine.

Nascar! Isn't it just like IROC was???

Nascar racing has turned into glorified IROC racing!!! I for one wish they would give them STOCK cars with safety gear and let them take them to the track isn't that what they are supposed to be..... the sport is turning into a JOKE it will someday fall just like Indy cars did because the sanctioning body can't leave well enough alone the rules and restrictions are ridiculous!!!!!!

Dam! Falcons lose pre-season opener...?

It was a good game, but to whoever seen the game, who was that rookie RB for the lions? I believe he was number 21 or 25 and he scored twice and was drafted out of TCU college. Man this guy is FAST and I mean FAST!

Any recommendation for...?

put some coverup in your purse and visit the little girls room half way through the night to re apply your cover up

I need a word that begins with B, 9 letters, 4 vowels, can anyone help me??

I've been struggling with this for days! I'm trying to find a specific word that begins with the letter B, it has to have four vowels, and nine letters all together.

What is the best Wii Gun out there?

i have the zapper and the blaster. out of these i think that the wii zapper which is by far the best. it is easier to use and feels more like a gun therefore i would recomend the wii zapper. but i have never herd of the Nyko perfect shot so i cant comment on it.

What's that funny line in "Two Can Play that Game"?

In the movie Anthony Anderson plays Morris Chestnut's best friend. I'm trying to remember that funny line Anderson says to Chestnut...it's something like "the CIA don't got crap on a woman with a plan" (???)

Does he really love me if he lets his family spread rumors abt me and he acts like they did nothing wrong?

my husband and i have been together off and on for 15 yrs but only steadily married for 2 of the 15yrs a big reason of that is his family.i really dont like to deal with them bcuz they do nothing but cause problems between my husband and i and spread rumors abt me.i try to bring it to his attention but he sais that he cant really cast judgement bcuz he was not there to see or hear anything.IT IS LIKE HOW OBLIVIOUS CAN U BE?and when he does decide that he is going to handle stuff he handles it like a little kid and wants to fight.i dont want to deal with problems like that,i just want to cut the trouble makers out,but he would never do that.I thought i was more important considering i am the mother of your children and wife,his family does not even acknowledge me as his wife,they will how ever smile in my face and talk crap behind my back.i am at my witts end.i dont feel like i should deal with them and i feel like my husband should love me enough to understand this,but he doesn't.WHAT DO YOU THINK I NEED SOME ADVICE.DOES HE REALLY LOVE ME?ps his family helped him lie and cheat on me in the past.they encouraged him to be a drunk and drug addict and leave his children they encourage him to steal and go to jail they also talk crap abt him behind his back and his stupid *** pays no mind to it,they do this because that is how they all are so they encourage sbag behavior and when he is around them he is a dumb that takes their advice.when he is at home completely different person.he acts like a civilized human being..so i ask again WHAT DO YOU THINK?

How difficult is it to engineer the demolition of a large reinforced concrete building?

How difficult is it to engineer the demolition of a large reinforced concrete building? What is the margin for error? Do demolitions of buildings ever go bad, resulting in them not falling according to plan? If I were to simply throw a truckload of petroleum into a building and light it up, what is the likelihood of it falling perfectly straight down like you see in demolition videos?

I think I have an amazing idea for a Web site business, but I need some quick advice?

I need to work with some designer friends and Web developers, but before I do that, how can I ensure that my idea won't be stolen? Do I patent it? It's an exciting approach to a Web site business, and I want to tell people, but I don't want to get screwed. What can I do without shelling out tons of money to patent/trademark/copyright something that may not even be made down the line?

Where can i find this painting?

painting of a turkey floating in a blue sky with a bowler hat floating above it.. its Hanging above a fireplace on the set of the television show "Good Eats" im not sure who it was painted by, but i know it was inspired by Ren� Magritte, "the son of man".. so who's the painting by?

I need help for our pom squad/ dance team name!!?

Our pom squad is new this year at school and we need to think of a name to call ourselves like for example the FSU dance team is the "Golden Girls" so if you had any ideas that would be great!! Our team mascot is the Stallion and our team colors are black and white..

Why is he ignoring my calls?

WOW! He's a leach honey - plain and simple. You won't hear from him again until he wants something from you like money or . If you see him again, you have to know that he WILL continue to use you as long as you let him.

I want to play the drums and hopefully be in a band one day, but dont know where to begin?

Of course not. It's never to late for anything. When i first wanted to learn guitar, i didn't know where to start myself. I thought to myself, i will never be as good as the people i listen to and its just stupid me even starting. I had no one really backing me either i just thought it would be cool. I never thought i would be able to do what i can now. I used to look at my tutor play things i can play now with my eyes closed and think how the F**k can i do that. It comes second nature to you if you put the effort in and spend time practising. It may seem boring at first but its all part of learning. You have no idea of that good feeling you get when you master and play your first full song throughout flawlessly. You may think when you get the drums, you will never be good but you WILL. It takes time and practise but you will. Matt tuck was 15 when he started playing guitar, now he's the rhythm guitarist and lead singer of probably one of the most popular metal bands to date. Definitely go for it. I'm no expert in drums, i've never even held a drum stick but they've always appealed to me. I wouldn't know what to get for a first set but go with a site like Dawson's or Gear4music or, nip to your local store. You wait and see, i'm sure you'll rockin in no time :D

In love with a married man???

This is not as sleazy as it sounds..I met a married man on the net, a very religious married man and we became friends 8 yrs ago. We clciked immediately and spent a lot of times playing games online etc..and talking in Ims. we chatted on the phone a couple times but mainly talked online. I fell for him in a big way and he knew it and he fell for me too but we are both married so we kept it friends only. I would give him advice to help him in his marriage and he would do the same for me and both of s just wanted the other to be happy in our marriages. Things crashed around the same time for both of us in our marriages and we discussed meeting. before I met him we discussed the what if we fool around question...I was very worried that if we kissed or more he would regret it and we would not be friends anymore.he ured me that he would be fine with it even though I told him no because I know he would regret cheating on hsi wife so we werent going to do that and he said okay....Well

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where should I go to college if I want to major in psychology?

I have been researching different colleges that have developmental, family, counseling and cognitive psychology, but I'm not sure where I should go. I would like to attend a medium-sized coed rural/suburban college on the eastern part of the U.S. I have a 98 GPA and got in the 94th percentile on the PSAT. Thanks:)

Are certain restrictions laid off to those who their birth dates landed on the leap year Feb. 29?

No lol. Even though yes in a literal sense she is not having birthdays she is still ageing and an amount of years have literally gone by even though her birthday is being ped over. They will let her drive, they will let her buy smokes when shes 18 even if shes born on a leap year and drink when shes 21 because they go by the year you were born, yes the day matters too but in law terms they cant restrict someone for being unlucky enough to have a birthday rolling around every for years and they dont. I guess if her 21'st birthday was not on a leap year they would just have to let her celebrate it a day early or wait until the next day but no restrictions would apply due to this i promise you even the law wont stop her.

All I have to do is Love Jesus and accept him as my Lord and saviour to go to heaven?

Nothing you have done nor can do will ever take away Gods gift of salvation. Believing is sufficient. You will never totally "clean up your act". No discipline in heaven either, all sins now and in the future are forgiven, period!

Seussical jr questions?

I'd call Mayzie a lead role and personally I prefer Gertrude as a character, but that's just my opinion!

I need help writing a sonnet on act 3 of Romeo and juliet.PLEASE HELP!!! ASAP?

it needs to be 14 lines,10 syllables, and follow the rhyme scheme abab cdcd efef gg. Please I need this asap!!!!!

How would America have been different if Nixon had been declared the winner of the 1960 election?

Yeah. We'd have had a nuclear war over Cuba. Fortunately, that issue had already been decided by the time Nixon was elected.

Who is the supposed "messenger" in verse 3:81?

Since a Messenger cannot be a Messenger without being a Prophet, logic dictates that when the Quran says "Seal of all the Prophets" it automatically means Seal of Messengers & Prophets for the reason mentioned. On the other hand, the opposite is not a necessity ; there were Prophets who were not Messengers such as those that came to the people of Israel.

Is the US becoming the place of diminished quality?

Don't blame the government. Give idiots the right to vote and you will have idiots telling you what to do.

Serious college troubles! Please help me!?

For this semester I have been taking this advanced English 1130 cl along with a Math cl while being on Academic probation. The English 1130 cl can prepare anyone for University and I've been told by many at my campus that it is a very difficult course to p. However, I have no intention of going to University and I have all the requirements of the Early Childhood education program that I want to apply for in September. I have been working to the best of my effort and studying hard but I have been getting "C-'s" and got one F on an ignment. I also took the midterm exam and don't know what mark I got for that yet. Today, I found out from my dad that he finally admitted to me that the only reason he wanted me in the English 1130 cl is for me to get out of the house all day so that he and my mom won't have to deal with me. I got real angry and stressed about that. I have not told my parents about my academic probation and since the withdrawal date is coming up I'm seriously thinking of withdrawing from English 1130. The odds for me to pass this course seems very slim and if I don't withdraw I could very well risk failing the course and end up in Academic Suspension for a whole semester and I don't want that. Even if I do withdraw from the class, I can possibly avoid suspension but also have to tell my parents about the withdrawal. I told my Dad about the marks I've been getting in my assignments and he says to me to just keep going; try my best with the course and even if I don't pass I can still learn something from it. But that won't cut it with the campus administration and registrar's office if I failed the course because they will still suspend me. I've also talked with an academic advisor and a counsellor about this and they are no help. I even get help from the learning centre and still get these crappy grades in the class. With my campus, it seems that the right hand does not know what the left is doing so I'm getting mixed messages from everyone. I know this is long but can someone (ANYONE) help me with this difficult situation that I'm in? Please note, I'm 21 also and have a severe learning disability; ADHD; asperger syndrome which makes it difficult for me to understand things so that is a real real setback for me and I'm under a time limit with my parents saying to me that we will be moving from the house in 2 more years and once those 2 years are up, we will move and they will not let me live with them in the new place wherever we are going to live. Can anyone please help me??

Ladies, what's the real answer here about the hijab?

I don't follow Sheikhs as they usually have no idea what they are talking about, least of Middle Eastern sheikhs. Qur'an says hijab is fard, that's good enough for me.

What did you think of John Stossel's schooling Michael Moore and exposing his vast lies about Cuban healthcare

interesting, the article says the infant mortality is lower because they don't "count" stillborn babies, they force abortions when a problem is perceived...

Glow in the dark paint?

I think a great thing to do would be a Glow-In-The-Dark party. This would create the same effect as the video shows but you would have much more room for creativity. I have provided a couple websites for some ideas. Try changing all of the light bulbs in the room with black lights. You can find these at dollar stores. Have everyone wear white. Get some neon markers for people to decorate their shirts and skin. Add balloons, confetti, and streamers in white. This would make the party really glow and make it one that people won't soon forget. Hope this helps!

Marginal placenta previa discovered at 20 week ultrasound?

I'm a guy, but mine had the same issue, it was too low, now she is 31 weeks ans it has moved up enough that they feel everything will be fine, and as unappealing as it may sound, C-sections are always there to eliminate worry. Give it some time, it can and does move up over time.

What is the predominant motivator in the capitalistic system?

I think its money...I dont think hunger motivates today because if you play the system right and complain enough you'll get your monthly checks

Should I continue playing this guy first or break with him immediately?

just be straight up with him. tell him you dont like him back. if he stil carries on with it, tell him to **** off

PCOS, Metformin......good grieve someone help me please!?

try soulcysters.com i think that is the name for the website but they have a great support group i Love to go on this site and read the threads they have and I'm sure someone on this site can help you or are going through the same thing if you can get on with that website email me a kiddiewhitlock@yahoo.com and i can email you the website i hope this helped good luck

I hit skull 6 months ago on the upper, right side (front) and it is still very sore to the touch. Any Ideas?

I was putting up groceries in my older fridge with upper and lower doors. I forgot the freezer door was open and hit my skull on upper right side, about 3" off center, when I arose from the Veggie Bin. It is still very sore to the touch after 6 months. I just probed and it almost brought me to my knees. However, I don't seem to have any other symptoms that are unusual. Vision is getting a little worse but, shoot, I am 68 years old and finally had to get gles two months ago. Just hurts to the touch. Any ideas of the cause? Particularly after this long? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Femalady

Which two fantasy RB's to start in Week 8?

I have Wille Parker (vs. CIN), Adrian Peterson (vs. PHI), Marshawn Lynch (vs. NYJ), and Steven Jackson (vs. CLE). I am for sure starting Willie Parker but I need my number 2, what you guys think?

Where is the family in Fallout 3?

Where is the family and i know they are by the subway station and through the radioactive tunnel but I need an exact location. Please help!

Christians, why aren't you doing more to help the "child witches" in Africa?

You are right to say that this is a terrible, abusive situation, but I don't understand your last part. What exactly do you expect us to do about it? Christianity is not a monolithic organization. I'm not stigmatizing children as part of an extortion racket, so how does their being wrong make me wrong?

Which poem do you like better?

Hi. I like them both. the topics and the words choices you describe are really god so i cannot choice one i have to pick both poems, your poetic style is unique and different. Keep on sharing.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Do you think he likes me? I can't tell?

UHM, YES! He is SO interested. He sounds soo cute, and definitely 100% into you. Text him and flirt, and I know this will go somewhere. Ahhh your so lucky:)

How can I update an ugly fireplace surround?

the area was probrably made for wood storage. it depends on if your going to use it. if it was mine get you a decorative fireplace tools to se there i.e. shovel, poker, brush and maybe a br ash can. the mantel will probrably lift off mine does. find 1 you like and install. prices range on how fancy you want

Brown Period?

so i today had a brown period, i don't know if its old blood or not, it was like this last month as well but for 5 days. I have changed my schedule alot, i walk to work (15 mins) 3 days a week and do cardio kickboxing 3 days a week. I've drank alot of coffee the last week due to stress. do you know why its brown? i just got out of the shower 2 hours ago and my pad has nothing on it? i am also a virgin

What organizations in Baltimore are committed to making the world a better place?

I am looking for a good fit for my skills, experience, values, within a Baltimore-based organization dedicated to one or more of the following: peace, justice, the environment, education, philanthropy. I am a Brit who has lived in the area for the last 5 years. My primary skills - gained in the commercial field - are management and organizational development.

Do liberals really want Govt to take away Freedom and have a Venezuela like Country?

Yes. People who don't want to work spend all their time trying to get money from people who do - and are willing to become Obama's goon squads in order to do it. It's already happening.

GUYS: Is this something you would do with someone you saw only as a friend?? (girls answer too)?

Over the weekend a couple friends of mine got married. The groom was actually my best friend Ryan's brother. Me, Ryan, Sam, Carrie and Jen all rode to FL together for the wedding.. Ryan's family owns a beach house that is all secluded. That's where they had the ceremony and the reception, but out on the beach. After the wedding we were all going to stay there. Before the reception was over Ryan and I strolled off away from everyone on the other side of the rocks. He said he wanted to show me where he used to go to be alone when he was younger. (His family moved to NC where they live now when he was 17 - that's when we met - he's 28 now) It was gorgeous over there. We laid down on the sand and stared at the sky. The stars had just come out. We laid there talking for over an hour. When we got up everyone had left and the caterers were cleaning. When we were walking up the beach to the house, he put his arm around me and when we were going up the 20 or so steps to the house he slid his arm off me and grabbed my hand and held it. He held it till we went in. This was Friday. We were going to stay all of Saturday and come back home Sunday. Our friends all agreed that they wanted to go to bed early so they could get a head start on Saturday. Ryan and I stayed downstairs for another hour or so talking. When we decided to go to bed he grabbed my hand again and led me upstairs. We both showered and got ready for bed. I went to his room to see if he was still up and he was. I wasn't tired yet and neither was he. We put in a movie and watched about 30 minutes of it before we decided to turn it off. We had laid down when we were watching the movie and when I told him I was going to go to bed he told me to stay and keep him company and I could sleep there. I did. We didn't do anything either. He hugged up to me almost the whole night. Saturday we went out with our friends and everything was normal. Every now and then he would put his arm around me. That night, I slept in his room again. And again, we did nothing but sleep. He stayed hugged up to me that night too. Sunday morning, Sam walked in his room and saw us snuggled up. He woke us up and we all went home that day. Ryan stayed at my apartment Sunday night b/c it was 11:30 before we got home that night. Last night we ordered Chinese take out and stayed at my place again. Again, nothing happened. My question: Does Ryan have a thing for me? If he were just trying to get in my pants I have a feeling he would have tried it the first night. I’ve always had a crush on him. Its hard not to – he’s 6’4”, brown hair green eyes. Ridiculously handsome and he has a great personality. I could definitely see something coming of this but I don’t know what he’s looking for. I don’t want to bring it up either because if he isn’t looking for anything else, it would be awkward from then on. How can I get him to tell me what he wants without asking him? And don’t say, ‘just kiss him’ cause that would still be awkward if he didn’t want anything else… HELP! Advice please?!?

How many Sri Lankans want Sanath out of the team?

Sana is a allrounder,unless you want to play almost 7 batters,i would go with the allrounder Sanath,Not the batter Sanath.

Question about Projectile Motion? Physics?

I'm not looking for someone to solve a problem. I have an exam soon and there's one thing I just can't seem to understand. When dealing with projectile motion in 2 dimensional kinematics, I understand that the vertical component of the acceleration is -g or -9.8 m/s^2 , but why doesn't the horizontal component have any acceleration? I'd really appreciate if anyone could clear this up for me! Thanks!

Please please please help on bio?

1 (its a virus) 2They are eukaryotic and non-photosynthetic. (they have a nucleus and get nutrients through absorption) 3 All of the above (they are called extremeophiles) 4They have a nucleus (pro no nucleus) 5chemoheterotrophs (that means it can use photosynthesis and needs to eat other things) 6 rods (just need to know it) 7 to reproduce (viruses are not alive and need a host to make more) 8 decomposers (they eat dead things) 9 lichen (its a fungus and single celled photo autotrophs called algea) 10 conjugation

Who or what was the half time entertainment in 89, 95 and 99?

Mark's answer was great. Thank you! I think Patti Label and Tony Bennet played in 95. KC and Sunshine Band in 89?

Social Studies Question?

What term refers to the economic policies that seek to benefit the rich in hopes that prosperity will flow down to all economic cles?

HELPPP before my heart gets the best of me and i do something stupid :( ?

i really like this kid .. we are seniors in high school .. and im not sure if i should pursue him or let it go. i have always been pretty innocent and straight edge while hes into drugs (alcohol, marijuana, adderall, cigarettes, and mushrooms) hes kinda impolite and disrespectful and doesnt really care much about school .. however he is really really smart and a kid who means well. we are basically opposites though lol .. but im like infatuated with him and i dont kno what to do .. i feel like im falling for him and i cant lose him :( even though we barely know each other and hes probably into like slutty girls who are also into drugs like him :'(

What if you woke up on Christmas night and found Santa Claus in your living room?

Introduce him to my .38 Special; then ask for proper forms of I.D.....If he's legit he gets cookies, if he's not legit he'll be sharing a cell with "Bubba" on Christmas mornin'....>=)

African grey parrot doents?

that sounds way to good to be true. when my dad's fiance got her African Grey she bought it as an egg and it was 800 dollars. so i'm suprised to her that somebody would just give one away for free.

How long will it take for the common cold/allergies to go away?

Like I have the congested feeling, and the fuzzy feather feeling in my nose and dizzyness. how long will it take? and also what can i do because i'm bored and sitting down for a long period of time is not an option for me. what can i do?

How to calculate the destruction of an asteroid?

i just read the story about the ping asteroid on yahoo homepage. although the chance of impact is none. i just wonder what the destruction would be if a 500 ft asteroid hit the earth. i know the destruction is based on the size of an asteroid, but how du calculate? like 10ft of asteroid can destroy an area of 100 meter square?

Now the english football team have thoroughly disgraced themselves and our nation should we not sack the lot a?

I would like to make the point that the so called footbaLL genius Rooney looked like a headless chicken ans spent most of his time sat on his ****,perhaps he should fit a ski to his fat backside and sell his five million pound villa and start keeping fit instead,mind you the rest of the team were no better,would it be advisable to not pay them for such a disgusting showing or lack of the same and make them pay for their air fares and hotels then perhaps they would all resign and we could start again


If the solution is blue or green (not sure), Cu(NO3)2 is present. If ZnSO4 is present, a precipitate will form on treatment with silver nitrate. It is possible that both may be true. If neither is, then it is distilled water.

How quickly does the H1N1 (Swine) flu vaccine start working?

I had the swine flu vaccine injection a week ago. Someone told me it could take up to 2 weeks before you are actually immune and it's working fully. Is this true, or am I already safe from getting the swine flu?

Now you can't tell me there is a sport England CAN beat Ireland at!?

The match was great even nike made a video about england winning the grand slam 2011 and the video got leaked and they tried to delete a few videos already.

Insanely creepy horror movie?

I dont mean bloody and gory. I want something like a dead japanese girl crabwalking down a hallway, chasing you or something! Some of that clic scary japanese ****! Any movie ideas?

I need some ideas...?

i am very interested in computers.. but i dont know what part... i know its sorta like design etc... i have tried song mixing... cad... picture.... video... what else is there to try?

Has anyone ever cheated with an AFL player? as its quite common. if so who?

Word on the street was that Fabian Francis slept with numerous wives of players when he was coaching the A grade/senior side of a local club around here. He also ended up leaving the club because of this apparently.

Should I be worried that my puppy accidentally ingested tissue paper with alcohol in it?

It happened very fast. My puppy is just a little over three months old, and you know how they are--always munching on things. My mom suddenly shouted and when I got to her, she said that our puppy beat her to the crumpled tissue paper that she tried to throw into the garbage can but failed. She said the tissue paper had alcohol in it, y'know, the one you use for hand sanitizer/cleaning surfaces. So, will the tissue paper that my puppy ingested just p through like other things? Thank you for those who'll answer!

Middle name for Am�lie?

I love Emilia Violette, it think you should choose that one. It is cute, sweet, girly and elegant all wrapped into one. Love it!!!

What are the noahide laws according to Judaism?

where can I find them in the Bible? because rabbis say those laws were given to the sons of Noah but I don't understand a person who follows those laws is Ok.. but someone who disagrees with them is not Ok for the next world.. I am lost where are those laws? and why do non-jewish need practice them? if according to judaism there is not obligation to convert to the judaism.. a rabbit told me if the other people don't find those laws. they are lost? why? so to adopt the noajide laws is like being part of judaism but not totally?

As an alien observer orbiting Earth what could be inferred about our planet?

i doubt they would be able to comprehend what we are, so, they would see vast amounts of the planet not inhabited, and the parts that are, they would see us like we see ants, wondering what we are doing. they would see us going to work and see our homes, but they would not understand what we are doing cause they are probably not of the same body as we are, nor have the same needs and their homes would probably not be anything like ours. So, we would just look like a bunch of ants.

Is my supplement plan seem good?

i am an athlete that is 17 i am no where near where i wanna be so i have decided to take action by using a dietary supplement such as a calorie burner to help trim some pounds along with a muscle builder to like whey powder to get that athletic muscular look im 5-8 195 so im pretty stocky which is ok but i wanna be mostly lean muscle to take my performance to the next level

I need hlp someone to help me to create a website for free or with very low price, I live in BC Canada?

You can find many web designers at websites like a href="http://oktutorial.com/" rel="nofollow"http://oktutorial.com//a , a href="http://www.getafreelnacer.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.getafreelnacer.com//a ,etc.

Blue light, at night, in Indianapolis? A big flash, like an explosion?

Sounds exactly like what it looks like when transformers on power poles blow at night, a very bright blue flash, had you not been driving I'll bet you would have heard the 'boom' that goes with it. hope this helps

Is there something like the atl hustler club for other bands?

I've heard of the all time low hustlers club but i wanted to know if there was anything like this for any other bands such as Cash Cash, Cobra Starship, Hey Monday etc..

I'm 23. College is not working for me. What to do?

my suggestion is to start as a mail worker for a company you wouldn't mind being a part of. a friend of mine, his dad never went to college and started at the bottom of the totem pole and now has a full "college" degree without spending one day in the cl room. his work paid for all "cles" he had to take and he slowly moved up and is now vp of the company. you don't NEED a college degree despite what people might tell you. good luck

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Can you please comment on my first two paragraphs for a story?

What they are complaining about is your writing style. If that is how you want to write, yes...it is okay to use big words in your stories. They are in the dictionary, right? Just because maybe most writers don't, doesn't mean none can. It does sound a bit overdone though, but then again, I am not one to like Jane Austen either. Take a peek at her writing, she uses so many crazy "big" words...you really wonder if she talked like that! She is considered a clic writer. Write how you want. If you really aren't specifically trying to seek out hard words, just keep writing. If you are, slow it down and don't try so hard, as it isn't that necessary.

Why are atheists and creationists so stubborn?

I have noticed nearly every atheist I have seen or met, is just straight up cynical, and ignorant of any possibility of a god. And creationists absolutly refuse to beleive any science, except for thermo dynamic miracles, just to prove atheists wrong. Why cant people realize no one has it completely right, and we all see the anwser from strange angles? And why are most atheists such jerks to creationists?


why in terms of work and energy did you have to push a pendulum string as it is moving away from you in order to maintain a larger amplitude

Should i say yes? please answer its an easy 10 pts?

the guy who sits across from me in homeroom keeps in asking me out. another guy came over to our table and asked William if he liked me.he said he knew Willaim never lied. and William said he had the option of not answering the question.every1 said you so like her. and he just smiled. and i blushed. a little while later he said we have so much in common we should like date and then he said we have so much in common we should like makeout. well i like him too. if he asks me out again (which im sure he will) should i say yes. and does he really like me or is he just playing along

What you you make of this?

If a female who was pretty promiscuous and generally really "into" went off it almost immediately after getting married?

What happens to the radioactive waste?

Google "Yucca Mountain Repository", a planned site to store nuclear waste. Lower on that Google search page is an article from Scientific American about scientists concerns about the site. This is a complicated question that brings out the ire in much of the scientific community.

Credit card companies are bugging now. Why?

because the credit card industry is deregulated now. they can charge what they want, when they want for what ever they want, and you will never know untill its too late becase they worte it in tiny print that you cant read in your stament. they can aford to take the risk now, and its too profitable not too.

Clearly, Noah's Ark is on Mt. Ararat, but did Noah park it there before or after dropping off the kangaroos?

I think he landed, then the water level dropped and the ark started sliding down the mountain with enough speed to crash into Australia and then after the wombats got off, Noah used his faith like a mustard seed to teleport the ark pieces back to Judea, but he missed, being 600 years old and everything got tered over Turkey.

Need Flex spot help. Donald Driver, Steve Slaton or Willis McGahee?

Driver is at Minnesota. Slaton hosts Baltimore. McGahee will share the backfield but against a softer D.

Electrical problems with dish washer?

Dish washer power goes off. Dishwasher will work on another plug. Plug with garbage disposal works, but dish washer wont run on garbage disposal plug. Replace plug for dish washer, 15 amp. breaker is for 20 amp. Tester shows power from breaker and ground bar ok. Breaker switch seems ok ,

Need help with ideas of things to write in a card to tell his parents we are pregnant!!!?

We are going to see his parents tomorrow and we want to tell them we are pregnant, this is our 2nd pregnancy, the 1st ended in a miscarriage earlier this year in March. We bought a blank card but are unsure of what to write in it, his parents already have a granddaughter and we are telling his mom really,his dad is kind of in his own world lol, we are just not sure what to write in the card, exp with a prior miscarriage, any ideas?

How do i recover all of my deleted buddys on AIM?

i accidentally erased all of my friends i dont know what i did but i was wiping my key board and they were all gone is there a way i can get them all back wihtout asking for SN's again, i had over 250+

Significant figures rules?

i tend to mix the sig fig rules with one another, can anyone list out the rules in a way that is as easy to remember as possible? thanks in advanced!

Any good newer movies out on dvd?

ok well my best guy friend is coming over tomorrow and we dont know what to watch. we want to see transformers but it's not out yet. and please nothing super gory

Litter-Robot verses Cat Genie? which one would be a better investment?

I have always been a cat person (but my hubby isnt) and i am left to deal with the litter box completely... well working on a second Bachelors and having twin 7 yr olds and a 2 yr old i just dont have time... also our house is small and we use every availible space except for my bathroom which starts to stink as SOON as the cat goes.... much less if i cant make it there quickly to clean it.... anyone out there have either of these products? ive seen them work on youtube and was wondering what people thought that actually used the products.... Thank you!!

With Favre leaning towards retirement, who starts at QB for the Jets next year?

Do they have someone on their roster capable of leading the team to the Super Bowl, or should they sign someone?

What should I get my boyfriend for Christmas?

He is really into demolition derbies and cars. I already got him a compact car early and he appreciated it but I also want to get him some other things. Hes not really picky. Got any ideas?


At the instant the traffic light turns green, an automobile starts with a constant acceleration a of 2.3 m/s^2. At the same instant a truck is 11.5 m down the road and traveling with a constant speed of 9.3 m/s. (a) How far beyond the traffic signal will the automobile overtake the truck? (b) How fast will the automobile be traveling at that instant?

Where can i find the dress that Amanda Holden wore when Susan Boyle got through on Brit got Talent. Its green?

It was green and fitted, i have looked everywhere to no avail. Someone out there must know.....Please help

What is the psat test?

The PSAT test is the qualifying exam for the National Merit Scholarship competition. It's given during your junior year. If your test scores are among the highest in your state, it can qualify you for merit scholarship aid from a number of schools, as well as help you get admitted to the top schools. I don't know if there are study aids available for the test, but I would guess there are since it's such a major test. (Check at Barnes & Noble or Borders or Amazon.com to see if there's a prep book or prep software available.) Your SAT scores are the ones that really count for college, but being a National Merit finalist looks good on your college applications and can put money in your pocket, too. I think becoming a finalist also requires a certain amount of extracurricular involvement, so check into that, too.

Wdyt of the name Independence, Indy for a nickname.?

I think it's a horrible idea - and I love strange names! But I would hate to grow up with that as my name, I think it's just taking it a bit too far. I love the name India though, which would be good for the nickname Indy.

A question about talking online about ! I am seeing a psy at the moment and I was a bit surprised?

It's harmless. All men do it. It's just most women don't understand that men think with their and not with their brain.

Do you think this girl is interested?

Honestly I think the only reason why she brought the guy up there was to see if you would get jealous or not... I mean when a girl likes a guy she is too scared to actually say it to them.. I mean I was a 16 year old girl once and I remember doing that just to get a guy to ask me out.. I really think that you should just ask her out and see what she says.. Good Luck Sweety :)

How accurate are qualative blood test a month after ?

My friend just got a blood test and it was positive 5 days before she missed her period. She was supposed to have surgery so they did a pregnancy test just as a precaution and it came back positive. It should be very accurate-you have to account for human error but I wouldn't worry. If you were pregnant most likely it would have come back positive on a blood test.

How can I get 2 switches that each control a different light fixture on the same breaker.?

Main wire from fuse box is connected to switch #1. Same wire pigtail is connected to switch #2. Output wire from each switch is connected to appropriate light. You only need a 15 amp line to feed lights.. 20 amps is for outlets. Think about it. You could run 15 100 watt bulbs on one line with a 15 amp breaker.

Can you make a photobucket image your background for myspace?

yes i did on mine just copy the direct link seen beside the picture and then go to myspace and click customize profile click appearance and then click advanced edit and paste the link in the box and click publish you may need to change the options beside the link box on myspace depends on what size picture you have if you change any options you will need to publish it again

What to send to him overseas?

My boyfriend is overseas, and I've sent several care packages. The best thing to send is personal hygiene items, also find out what his shoe size is, they run out of socks like crazy. I also know that those little individual koolaid things are big there. Magazines are good to, anything that guys like, Maxium, car magazines, those are the best. Also phone cards are great items, AT&T global cards is mainly what they use, you can buy them at Wal-Mart. Snacks like jerky, are good to. Kleenex and Baby whipes. and I sent a few towels too that was a big hit lol. Good luck

I'm sick. Do you know what's wrong with me?

I'd go to the er and get put on an iv that included lots of nutrients....it is called a "banana bag." They will probably run a lot of tests right then and there so you can get a quicker answer. It may also help with you missing work if you were actually at the hospital. Maybe you could get the doc to write you a medical leave not for a couple of weeks so you can recoup. You should be in the teacher's union, so I do not think that you can get in trouble for that. Good luck, but I would go to the er...it does not sound like your doc is doing right by you.

Best QB ever! thats just BS!?

Im sick of people say that manning is the best QB ever. The best QB ever is the one who holds all the records and last time i checked that was Brett Favre. so whos with me on this one?

Some questions for NSW Electricians.?

hi i am doing a project on the electrical industry in NSW. need to know the compulsory insurances that are needed for companys, the records that must be kept like for taxation purposes and anything else. thanks for your help.

Animal abuse on factory farms?

I am writing an essay on animal abuse/cruelty in factory farms (dairy too) and slaughter houses. I need some legit sources!! I have googled lots of things but most are things like PETA or GoVeg and they are biased sources, also they don't say where their facts come from so I can't use them. I found a short National Geographic article but thats about it. Anything else you know of??? Thanks a ton!

Panama questions??????

sounds like you probably need to do some reading for homework and these are your questions your suppose to answer for homework. good luck!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

How much does it cost to fix a gash/scratch on an alloy rim?

I was driving today while it was snowing, and I hit the edge of the sidewalk while I was turning. This is the first time this has happened to me, and I only wanted an estimate or range of how much it would be and HOW THEY FIX IT. I looked at pictures all over the web, and I found this picture that it's similar to what happened to my rim ( http://img303.yfrog.com/i/felge5om.jpg/ ). Thanks in advance.

If you get the pink slip, will you do roadwork?

Everyone has become way overworked on this question. I did road work in college and it's one of the worst jobs out there. You work out in the freezing cold and the blazing heat, you get bad pay, and you have the risk of being struck by a car. You work around dangerous elements and you need to know what you're doing. I respect your success and I congratulate you for your achievements. Your hard work in school is now being rewarded and that's the best thing about this country. My brother lost his job in finance so he opened up a restaurant now he's back on his feet. There isn't always one option, road work, if you lose your job and there isn't many people who would even want to do it.

I Need A Guys Opinion!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!… ?

The purple looks flashy but the white looks elegant it depends what your goin for. I think purple cuz it looks younger if your goin for that look ...

What is wrong with my fish!! Fish expert needed!?

the temperature is too high. My fish began to do the same. Bring the temperature around 74-76 degree farenheight. Check for amonia, nitrite, and everything else that is listed on the testing kit. If you don't have one, get one. You are going to need it now more than ever since you just started your tank. If any of these levels are high, the best way to bring them down is to do a water change. Only take out about 1/4 of the fishtank water and replace with fresh, treated water (aquasafe declorinizer). If it is reallllllly bad, then remove 1/2 of the water in the fishtank. Never remove all of the water because the bacteria at the bottom of the tank needs to stay there. Also, do not change the filter. the bacteria live there as well. Fish NEED this bacteria to survive. Hope this helps. You might want to add some ice cubes in the tank to bring the water temperature down quickly.

Help with these terms and conditions..?

I think what they are saying is that they are not responsible for anything that occurs from something you do with their product. If you get sued for anything you create, or are arrested for breaking any laws with the product or suffer or cause any damage to your system or anyone else's, they shall be 'held harmless' - that is, not liable - in any suit or damages that result.

Is it absurd to consider dating a biual guy?

or not AIDS is always a risk. If you like each other go for it, it does not matter whether he is bi or not as long as his feelings are true

How long is the first interview with merrill lynch?

it is at 8 but i have work at 830...it is the next building over but im just wondering if anyone knows off hand how long they run

The laws of physics prohibts an object going faster that the speed of light?

Listen, the laws physics of are man made laws, the laws that are understandable.. yet the universe is unique and we as humans know so little about the universe... then again, if you believe in God, why are you talking about physics ? Science and Religions are the 2 oposit sides.. one says life began with a big gang theory, the other says that God made life and the universe in 7 days

About wireless router how do they work?

pardon me for being so stupid but how does a wireless router work if i want to use it for my sony playstation and my sony laptop computer?.

How to make my pants look like this?? (question about bleaching denim)?

this was called tie-dying in the sixties and seventies you get piece of string and tie bows in the jeans grab some of cloth and tie it then put navy jeans in strong bleach solution and water and leave to soak usually put outside in bucket and pour boiling water and bleach over them I have used bath or 50 gall drum

What are some popular songs on alternative nation (sirius xm)?

i've been listening to alt nation lately, and i've been hearing a few songs that seem to be on all the time that i like a lot, so does anyone know a few popular songs that play on alt nation a lot? because well, i need to find them so i can put them on my ipod.

What Do Think About Mary-Kate Olson?

I've always thought she and her sister look like chihuahuas. Bony with those big deep-set eyes. Impossible to understand how they (or anyone else) think they're attractive.

What difference does a bent frame make when buying a car?

Get it because it's cheap enough, you will make your money back in parts. As far as driving it, the car will probably not drive strainght, or will have steering issues. It could be dangerous if not fixed right.

Why some hot White girls like Asian guys even though the m media always slander us Asian guys?

Usually those girls don't care too much about the media. Unfortunately, I think most girls do follow the media. The other thing is that those Asian guys are really American/White Washed. I think culture is very important to white women and white women have the least experience in trying to adapt to other cultures because they didn't immigrated like other races or aren't minorities. If you're cultured, traiditional, and not Christian, it's really hard to date white women.

I'm thinking about some help software for online poker, any suggestions?

I'm looking at some online software programs to help my online poker games. Statistic tracker, real time odds, outs and player yzer would be great! Remember the cheaper the better! haha I'm not looking for an odds calc you have to put anything in manually I would prefer it runs in the background and I only have to glance at it... Any other ideas?

How can I punish my wife?

Ro-hypnol. She wakes up in someone else's kitchen, and someone else is cooking food for the man of the house. She will notice this, and in a predatory urge for kitchen dominance, she will attack this woman. However, the other woman is trained in martial arts, and so will be winning. Wait until your wife has been punished enough, then intervene and "save" your wife. She will never leave the kitchen again, and will love you like a slave. Works a treat.

Boyfriend issues. I'm ignoring him and sometimes I hate him?

Besides talking to him and being open & honest about yourself. U might seek professional help to ist U in dealing with your "moods." It could be an adverse reaction to the birth control pill too. A qualified doctor can help U in that regard, and they would know if a psychiatrist or counselor might help in this situation as well.

Korean variety shows in 2010?

In the LA- Orange Co area, try channel 18... they carry lots of Korean shows & other Asian shows

Do you think that the interests that you had when you were 15 ~ 18 match your current job ?

I decided I wanted to be an astrophysicist at age 12 (thanks to Star Trek and the local astronomy club doing a star party at my summer camp). And here I am, 17 years later, finishing a PhD in physics (astrophysics).